The Plot Thickens Garden Co. is a woman-owned business established in 2009, serving Minneapolis’ West Metro.
We pride ourselves on attention to detail, creativity, problem solving, customer service, and constantly expanding our horticultural knowledge.
The Plot Thickens Garden Co.’s founder is a University of Minnesota trained Pro-Hort Master Gardener, and our team includes Master Gardeners and experienced gardeners.
Rates & Fees:
Please contact us for current hourly rates.
All garden services have a 1-hour minimum service call/charge
Nursery Trip Charge applies to all nursery/supply runs
Initial Consultation (up to 1 hour) is complimentary
Best Practices
We utilze organic, natural practices for thriving garden habitates that are safe for people, pets, and pollinators. We also sterilize our tools and use accepted cultural best practices to maintain healthy gardens from client to client.